First Impressions of Les Mills Body Combat release 64 after Edinburgh Quarterly Workshop

This hellish hard workout is growing on me.

My digital music and video downloads appeared two weeks before the workshop. I resisted even a sneaky peek not wanting to ruin the surprise. I gave in though. I looked. And I shouldn’t have.

What I saw didn’t engage me. Endless drills of kicks and punches. One track was running on the spot for 5 minutes. Press ups in the middle of another track with no time to grab a mat.

After over 10 years as an instructor I should know better. Wait for the workshop and experience the release raw, live and delivered by an enthusiastic trainer.

Les Mills Body Combat release 64

Once there, he sold me on the new workout. Had me gasping for air and exhausted. Savage delayed onset muscle soreness burned by gluteals, hamstrings and quads the next day.

I’m sold on it but I suspect participants will consider this a Marmite release.

Those looking for a gut wrenching, breathless cardio burning blitz will love Body Combat release 64.

Those who love the cheese of “Hairspray”, “Pirates of the Caribbean” and ancient sound effects tracks of old will take some convincing. A tough sell lies ahead I think.

Here’s a few impressions after the Quarterly Workshop.

  • No shuffling forwards or laterally again. We do the release on the spot.
  • No roundhouse kicks perhaps for the first time in Body Combat history.
  • Half of the Lower Body Warm Up is exactly the same as half of Combat 2.
  • We have press ups again in Track 4. Conditioning moves at this point in the class are here to stay. Many people fed back last time that there was no time to fetch mats and towels. The trainer at the Quarterly Workshop promised Les Mills will build in enough time in future releases.
  • Track 5 is HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) pure and simple. Designed as the highlight of the class again this will be a Marmite track. Can’t argue this one will produce results though.
  • Capoeira leg burning returns in Track 6.
  • The finale is the only genuine sing along song of the release and it rocks.

I’ve almost finished learning the choreography and polishing my presentation. I can’t wait to hit the clubs with this one and see what my participants think.

Now it’s Your Turn:

What do you think of Les Mills Body Combat release 64? Do you love it? Is it to much of a departure from the format? Please leave a comment or a link to your own thoughts. Why not share your thoughts on Twitter?

Check out the Track List for Body Combat release 64 here.

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