Category Archives: Through My Mobile Camera Lens

Sunset through the Trees in East Lothian

Here’s a breathtaking shot of a sunset through the trees in East Lothian near Edinburgh.

No setup, just a quick spur of the moment snap on a mobile can create magic.

Sunset through the Trees

I love the colours and the tones.

What do you think? Perhaps this picture could have appeared in any of these books or calenders: Click to see Sunset Books and Calenders.

Now it’s your turn:

Go on – post a link to your own sunset picture.

20th anniversary – photos of Edinburgh through the lens of an iPhone 4S

I only just realised that I have lived in Edinburgh for almost exactly 20 years. Although I have travelled all over the world and visited some great places, I always love coming home to this unique vibrant city that feels like a town.

Here are some photos of Edinburgh to celebrate my 20th Anniversary.

Every year at Christmas the city turn Princes Street gardens into “Winter Wonderland”. Here you will see a fairground, German market, stalls and bars. It’s a great place to wrap up warm as the sun goes down and your breath fogs the air in front of you.

Edinburgh has great beaches. You might want to stroll along the promenade you try kite surfing in the rough waters of the Firth of Forth.

The castle towers above the city like a sentinel. After 20 years in the city I still often dive for cover when they fire the cannon every day at one o’clock.

Princes Street is the main thoroughfare, framed by shops on one side and the gardens on the other. The Scott Monument creates a breathtaking focal point for photographers.

Arthur’s seat is a mountain in the middle of the city. From certain angles you cannot see the buildings of Edinburgh at all. It feels as if you are deep within the rugged countryside of the highlands.

You should never miss a train in Edinburgh. They set the clock on the Balmoral Hotel tower several minutes fast. You might find yourself rushing but you will always make it as a result.

The tram workings have blighted the city for over 5 years but we are finally getting there. St. Andrew Square looks very pretty again now that the diggers and drills have moved on.

Edinburgh is an connected series of smaller villages. Visit Portobello, Musselburgh, Granton and experience different textures of Edinburgh life.

Your turn: I’d love to see some of your pictures of Edinburgh. What is your favourite view, or street, monument or building. Please leave a comment here or post a link to your own photos.